Friday, September 5, 2014

Fitnessing "On-The-Go"

Okay, so you have finally made a commitment to treat your body more like a temple instead of a mega church.  You have been eating better, exercising regularly, and your body is responding well.

Then it happens.  It's that time of year when you are ripped from your normal schedule and plopped into the middle of a large convention in an even larger city.  In my case, it was Dragon Con.

Yes, Dragon Con - where you can party with 50,000 of your closest friends and snack your way into a doughy oblivion.  How will you keep your good habits over the next 4 days?  You've worked hard to pack yourself into that costume; don't blow out of it due to over-priced, domestic beer and fried "con" food.

I have the answers for you.  Yes, I will explain how you can have your targ and eat it, too.  If you are staying at one of the local convention hotels, then you can be successful and NOT bring back excess poundage.

Too much?
     It sounds crazy, but it works.  I proved it to myself this year.  I packed organic breakfast bars, carrots, celery, hummus, almond milk, tuna pouches, and two gallons of water.  My vegan friend (let's call him "Nerhan") also packed some excellent goodies like dates, protein powder, and marinated, grilled green beans.  My other friend ("Joseph") brought cookies, chips, salsa, and popcorn.  (It's okay; it was non-buttered and air popped!)  We used Nerhan's and my food as breakfast and lunch and we used Joseph's food as treats - in moderation.  For dinner, we would meet up at a local restaurant, like Trader Vic's or Azio.  Since I saved money on breakfast and lunch, I can splurge a little more on dinner.

98% of these folks won't use the stairs.
    Seriously, if you've been to Dragon Con before, you know this story.  Assuming you have two good legs, TAKE THE STAIRS!  Staying on the 17th floor?  It doesn't matter!  You will still probably make it to your room in the same amount of time as waiting on an empty spot in the elevator.  I have tested this hypothesis; my friends take the elevator and I always take the stairs - even if we are on the 18th floor.  I beat them to the room about 90% of them time.  Plus, it really gets the heart pumping!  A 160 lb. person will expend about 15 calories walking up one flight of stairs.  Imagine going up and down 8 flights of stairs, 2-3 times per day - you just burned off your venti soy double vanilla latte with honey!

Sorry for the blur.  I'm REALLY fast.
   Go the gym?  At Dragon Con?!  No way!!
YES way.  Do it.  Every major hotel in Atlanta has a nice gym with clean equipment just ready for you to use.  I promise it won't be crowded and you will leave energized.  Plus, you'll burn off two of Joseph's awesome, chocolate chip cookie treats.  If someone else DOES wander into the gym, chances are they're trying to fit into their costume, too.  You might meet a new friend!

4.  SLEEP: 5 hours per 24-HOUR PERIOD.
     Even vampire and Jedi cosplayers need their rest.  Five hours is not enough, but I can't really ask for someone attending Dragon Con to get MORE than that.  I tried it this year and survived quite well on decent nutrition and 5 hours of sleep per night.  (As a side note: I am not a huge proponent of hand sanitizer, but in this case, BRING IT and USE IT.)

Lightsaber limbo anyone?
    This means check out the Con nightlife.  Every host hotel has at least one large ballroom dedicated as a dance hall.  That same 160 lb. person could knock off over 200 calories in 30-45 minutes of dancing. Congratulations!  You just earned another of Joseph's cookies!  The beauty of Dragon Con is you're not just "going to the club."  No, you're going to the "Marvel Ball" or perhaps the "Dilithium Discotheque."  Are you more of a Star Wars nerd?  Then I'll see you at the "Last Party on Alderaan."  Where else can you party with a storm trooper or Chewbacca?  (Writers note: a 12 oz. beer has about 154 calories, so be sure to dance at least 30 minutes per "cold one.")

I had a blast with Nerhan, Joseph, and my 47,997 other friends.  I came home a little tired but with virtually zero weight-gain.  

Maybe your next convention isn't Dragon Con, but you can use some or all of these principles the next time you travel.  You will feel much better by sticking to your commitment for better health!